96 min (7-12 min episodes)
Suggested audience:
Service Providers, Front Line workers
and Individuals Impacted by Trauma
The Root of All Evil is Unhealed Trauma
This course will walk you through several topics, such as:
Unhealed Trauma -Root Causes
Generational Trauma and Epigenetics
Childhood Trauma and the Subconscious Mind
Victimhood Mindset and the brain-science behind
How to Break Unhealthy Repetitive Behaviors
Available Free Resources
For our Admin office use only:
"Being a survivor myself and going out and trying to get help for my trauma, this course has helped me even if it's in the smallest way, because it's baby steps to get better can't just take one step and expect to take one big step forward and be better. It's baby steps and a process to get better and this course is helping me do that so far.
After every section at the end I would look at my notes and just be like woow!!
All these things I didn't even know is so shocking but then again comforting at the same time because you can totally relate to it and then by the end your like so ready to get out there and get started on your healing journey and learn more about what was taught in the course.
So much stuff I didn't know that is now in my mind and is slowly helping me with things that I thought I didn't have control over, but really I do.
This thought me that,
We are the only ones who can make that difference we want in our lives not anyone else. We are in total control, and once our we are able to rewire ourselves and have all that Positivity that we need we are like unstoppable we can do anything!
What really shocked me was about how it goes back in our family history and it's like doing a puzzle and not having all the right pieces but then you find those pieces and then your able to complete the puzzle.
It may sound crazy but i didn't want to stop. I'd be up late and be like okay just a little more than I'll go to sleep but it kept my mind interested and wanted to know more.
Thank you so much for putting this course together Timea!"
-Canadian Survivor of Human Trafficking